Transforming data into actionable insights.


With unprecedented sensitivity and specificity for studying complex biological systems, high-throughput tehnologies play a crucial role in the rapidly evolving landscape pertaining to precision medicine. However, due to the inherent complexity of disease mechanisms, biochemical or molecular data alone are often insufficient to fully explain patient symptoms. Efforts to integrate mult-omics with clinical layers, to shed light on the prevailing disease mechanisms, are hampered by the disparity of data sources. New disruptive solutions to bridge the growing gap between high throughput data generation and interpretation are therefore necessary.

For over ten years we have participated in cross-domain collaboarations,  listening to the data related issues faced by Clinicians and Researchers.  From this,  we have established a means of communicaiton that facilitates understanding irrespective of discipline,  that expedites the path leading to knowledge attainment and delivery. 

Data Solutions Expertise

Unlocking insights from data through innovative technology-driven solutions

Data Analysis Services

Transforming raw data into actionable insights for informed decision-making and strategic growth.

Technology Development

Creating tailored solutions to enhance data extraction and the knowledge discovery processes.

Insight Generation

Empowering businesses by revealing hidden knowledge within their data for competitive advantage.

Analytical sofware development
Analytical sofware development

‘Arion 4 Omics’ is a High Performance Computing Solution designed to streamline and automate the various steps involved in the rapid processing, analysis and manipulation of biomolecular data. An all-in-one integrated solution for clinical biomarker discovery paving the way towards personalised medicine.

Modular in design with a powerful back-end database to support high transaction processing of large and complex data.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Our Data-driven Patient Care Process

If the analysis process disregards such a significant amount of the available data in total, this detracts from building a holistic persepective pertaining to a patient’s overall state.

This begs the question, "Why are only a limited number of biomarkers being analysed and how have those biomarkers been deemed the most important over and above all others?"

Clearly this alarming trend driven by the ever increasing complexity of the underlying data cannot continue to be ignored, for how does this approach align itself with the goal of attaining personalised medicine?

A disruptive approach?

In direct contrast, we strive to leverage 100% of available data to visualize a patients state across a map of control and disease cohorts, in a manner that is instantly accessible by Doctors. Using a myriad of molecular, clinical and/or biochemical characteristics of patients, we construct blueprints for disease state and progression.

How we do this

Utilising an approach that is not too dissimilar to Geographical Information System Mapping, whereby data is connected to a specific location on a map. In a Clinical setting and based upon a patient's molecular profile, our employed techniques determine his/her location within maps of diseased states. Much like travelling by way of GPS coordinates, clinicians can monitor a patient's journey across the disease landscape as a result of treatment(s) or disease progression.


We offer a synergy between multiple descriptors of patient state in the form of a holistic view, that can serve as a beacon, guiding clinicians towards timely intervention and improved patient care.

According to recent estimates, only 3% of clinical/healthcare data is ever used, with the remaining 97% ignored during the diagnostic process.

Entrusted by ..........

“I wish I could know the patients that are grouped together with my patient in the TDA network.”

Prof. Elena Levtchenko, MD

Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, The Netherlands

"My collaboration with Dr. Staykova has been and continues to be an enlightening and inspiring experience. With her guidance and assistance, I've increasingly realized the vast potential of TDA application to harmonize different types of -omics data and functional readouts, maximizing knowledge gain and hypothesis generation. With the help of Multicore Dynamics, you can truly unleash the power of TDA on your data".

Dr. Federica Conte

Applied Stem Cell Technologies (AST), TechMed Centre, Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), University of Twente, The Netherlands